It's not hard to transform the appearance of a room in a number of ways. You can give it a new coat of paint, recover your furniture, install new flooring, or simply change the wall decor. It can run to a lot of money depending on what you decide to do. Obviously a major renovation will be much more expensive than a few decorator touches. If you don't want to spend large sums of money, you can make a big difference to the look and feel of a room with a fireplace makeover. It can be a dramatic change or just a subtle difference giving the whole atmosphere a new feel. You can accomplish this quite easily by replacing some of your fireplace accessories. Anything from a new mantel to a small change like adding a remote control or a hearth rug can make a difference.
Your fireplace can look as elegant or as cozy as you like simply through your choice of accessories. For example, adding or changing your fireplace mantel surround can have a major impact on your personal decor. Mantels come in a variety of materials and looks. Some people decide that they like the mantel they have and just want to add some special touches to make it look new. You might also wish to choose a new kind of material and a contemporary design to update the appearance. Anything goes if it suits your personal style. If you're looking for a more rustic look, consider installing a wooden mantel. And it's perfect for arranging an ornamental display during holidays or special occasions.

A basic and essential requirement for a fireplace is a grate. They're important for protecting the interior of your firebox, making it last longer. Maybe you haven't used your fireplace on a regular basis and are now planning on using it as part of a functional heating component of your home. If so, be certain that your fireplace grate is appropriate for your needs. Those who use their fireplace infrequently will do well with either a steel or cast iron grate. However, when you use your fireplace on a regular basis you should always use the thickest steel grate you can find that fits your fireplace.
Other accessories can accent or change the whole appearance of your fireplace as well. Take a look at glass doors and fireplace screens, an elegant firewood basket, or even a fan kit. Just some simple changes like a new fireplace tool set can make your fireplace more of a focal point, and also make tending to your fire a little easier. Your fireplace doesn't have to limit you in regards to the overall appearance of your decor. There's a wide range of fireplace accessories that will enhance your decor in any way you wish.
Author : George Blade
Article Source: www.submitarticlesfree.com
Picture Cradit : http://www.papashearth.com,http://elitechoice.org
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